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Are you planning to work, study, complete vocational training, or move to Germany with your family? If the answer is yes, obtaining a visa for Germany is a crucial step. It is important to know the appropriate type of visa you need according to the reason for your visit or stay in Germany, in order to ensure the availability of all necessary requirements.

بطاقة الإقامة الزرقاء الأوروبية

تُعد بطاقة الإقامة الزرقاء الأوروبية واحدة من أكثر الخيارات شهرة للعمال المهرة، نظرًا لفوائدها العديدة.

It is advisable to immediately check your eligibility for obtaining a European Blue Card and provide the necessary requirements. These requirements include:

  1. Possession of a German degree or its equivalent.
  2. A specific job offer for a period of at least six months that matches your qualifications.
  3. An annual gross salary at a certain level, which varies from year to year.
  4. For IT professionals without a formal qualification, they must have a specific job offer and at least three years of experience.

تأشيرة المانيا للعمل للمحترفين المؤهلين

توفر تأشيرة العمل للعمال المهرة فرصة للدخول المباشر إلى سوق العمل الألماني.

And this visa requires:

  1. Recognition of your qualification in Germany or its equivalence to a German degree.
  2. License to practice the profession in case of working in regulated professions such as healthcare.
  3. A specific and qualified job offer from an employer in Germany, in line with your professional qualifications.

Germany visa for skilled professional workers: This visa allows individuals from third countries to work in unregulated professions in Germany, even if their qualifications are not officially recognized.

تأشيرة المانيا للعمال ذوي الخبرة المهنية

تتيح هذه التأشيرة للأفراد من الدول الثالثة العمل في مهن غير منظمة في ألمانيا، حتى لو لم يتم اعتراف مؤهلهم رسميًا.

And the visa requirements are:

  1. Having a professional qualification or a recognized higher education degree.
  2. Qualified professional experience for at least two years in the past five years.
  3. Specific job offer in a non-regulated profession.
  4. Obtaining an annual gross salary at a certain level.

Germany work visa within recognition partnership

تأشيرة المانيا للعمل ضمن شراكة اعتراف

Do you want to practice your profession in Germany while undergoing recognition procedures? In this case, the work visa within the framework of recognition partnership could be the ideal option for you.

Here are the main requirements for obtaining this visa:

  1. Qualification: You must hold a foreign academic or professional degree requiring at least two years of full-time training. It must be recognized by the government of the country where it was obtained.
  2. Job offer: You must obtain a specific job offer from an employer in Germany, often for a qualified job. The offered work must be in line with your qualification, as the work can be as an assistant in some regulated professions until you obtain the practice license.
  3. Partnership agreement: You must sign an agreement with the employer stipulating the opportunity to complete the recognition procedures during the work period. This agreement can be part of the employment contract.
  4. Language skill proof: You must have German language skills at level A2 or higher, and some professions may require level B1 or higher.
  5. Suitable employer: The employer must be suitable for the recognition partnership, and must have experience in providing vocational training or skills development. The competent authority will ensure the suitability of the employer during the visa process.

Germany visa options for IT professionals

خيارات تأشيرة المانيا لمحترفي تكنولوجيا المعلومات

In Germany, the field of information technology witnesses a great demand for skilled workers with the necessary experience and qualifications.

For individuals coming from abroad, they have several options to obtain a work visa, whether with an official qualification certificate or without.

Germany offers attractive paths for specialists in information technology from outside the European Union and Switzerland (third countries) to obtain a work visa.

The available visa type depends on personal qualifications and the available job offer in Germany.

The European Blue Card is considered an ideal option if you hold an officially recognized academic or educational qualification in the field of information technology, in addition to having a specific job offer in Germany. In this case, the employer must offer a specific salary.

Even if you do not have a similar qualification, you can obtain the European Blue Card if you have acquired knowledge and skills through at least three years of work experience in a similar field within the past seven years.

Work visa for qualified professionals is offered to individuals who meet the requirements of the European Blue Card. As for the work visa for experienced professional workers, individuals can work as specialists in information technology even if they do not have an official professional qualification or university degree, provided that they have proven work experience in this field.

تأشيرة المانيا للاعتراف بالمؤهلات الأجنبية

For many skilled international workers, professional recognition is the first step to advancing their careers in Germany. Therefore, the visa for recognition of foreign qualifications paves the way for job opportunities and the utilization of available opportunities in the German labor market.

The requirements for obtaining this visa include:

  1. Partial recognition evidence: If you apply for recognition procedures and it turns out that your qualification is partially equivalent, you deserve this visa. Partial recognition means that the German authorities acknowledge part of your skills, knowing that there are theoretical or practical skills that need to be developed.
  2. Confirmation of registration in recognition procedures: Successfully registering for the appropriate qualifying courses offered by recognized authorities is required. In the case of qualifying courses that require practical training, the training provider must provide a professional development plan outlining specific steps to meet your professional needs.
  3. Proof of German language proficiency: You must prove your proficiency in the German language at least at level A2. You may be required to have a higher level of language proficiency depending on the type of qualification course you will follow.
  4. Ability to cover living expenses: You must be able to provide for living expenses during your stay in Germany, either by opening a bank account with a reserved amount monthly or by providing a financial responsibility declaration.

Germany visa for professional training in Germany

تأشيرة المانيا للتدريب المهني في ألمانيا

If you are seeking an opportunity for vocational training in Germany, or need a visa for this purpose, here is what you need to provide:

  1. Specific training placement in Germany: You must prove the existence of a specific training opportunity in Germany, whether in an institution or school.
  2. Language skills proof: You must speak German at least at level B1, and this depends on whether the training institution has assessed your language skills or not.
  3. Ability to cover living expenses: You must be able to cover your living expenses during the training period in Germany. You can achieve this by opening a reserved bank account or providing a financial statement as evidence of your ability to bear the costs. In some cases, you may receive a financial allowance from the company providing you with the training, which is also evidence of your ability to cover the financial costs.

These are the basic requirements for obtaining a visa for professional training in Germany. Make sure to prepare all the required documents and submit them correctly to avoid any delays in processing your application.

تأشيرة الدراسة في ألمانيا: البوابة للفرص الأكاديمية والمهنية

The student visa in Germany is a vital gateway for international students seeking education and personal development in this leading European country. It is not only a study visa, but also an opportunity to work during and after the study period. But what are the requirements to obtain this visa?

ما هي المتطلبات التي يجب توفرها للحصول على هذه التأشيرة؟

First and foremost, you must obtain acceptance from a government-recognized higher education institution in Germany.

Secondly, you must be able to cover the cost of living during your study period in Germany. You can prove this through a reserved bank account with a certain amount, or by obtaining a scholarship, or by providing a financial responsibility statement.

Thirdly, some programs may require a certain level of proficiency in the German language, usually at level B2 of the Common European Framework of Reference for Languages. You must provide evidence of your German language skills to the German embassy or the relevant consulate.

By meeting these requirements, students can obtain a study visa in Germany and enjoy a fruitful educational and professional experience in this advanced and diverse country.

فرصة العمل كمساعد في التمريض في ألمانيا للمهنيين الأجانب

If you are a nursing assistant from a third country, there are excellent opportunities waiting for you to practice your profession in healthcare in Germany. However, certain conditions must be met to take up a nursing assistant position in this advanced country.

The basic requirements for working as a nursing assistant in Germany include:

  1. Having a specific job offer as a nursing assistant: Requires obtaining a specific job offer as a nursing assistant in a healthcare institution in Germany. It is preferable to sign an employment contract with the future employer.
  2. Completing professional training as a nursing assistant: You must have successfully completed a recognized training program in Germany to qualify for work as a nursing assistant.
  3. Recognition of foreign nursing qualifications: If you have a foreign nursing qualification, it must be recognized in Germany to practice as a nursing assistant. Information on the recognition procedures for foreign qualifications can be obtained by visiting the "Anerkennung in Deutschland" portal.

By meeting these conditions, nursing assistants from third countries can benefit from the job opportunities available in the healthcare field in Germany, and contribute to providing quality healthcare services to the local community.

تأشيرة العمل الحر في ألمانيا: فرصة للراغبين في بناء مشاريعهم

Self-employment is an attractive option for individuals seeking to realize their ambitions in building their own projects in Germany, whether by establishing a company or working as a freelance craftsman. However, in some cases, a self-employment visa is necessary to achieve this goal.

If you intend to establish a company in Germany, you must meet certain conditions to obtain a freelance work visa according to Section 21 (1) of the Residence Act - AufenthG. This includes reviewing the economic interest in your idea or product and anticipating the potential positive impact on the economy, in addition to the ability to finance your idea with your own capital or through commitment to a loan.

يشمل ذلك استعراض الاهتمام الاقتصادي بفكرتك أو منتجك وتوقع الأثر الإيجابي المحتمل على الاقتصاد، بالإضافة إلى القدرة على تمويل فكرتك برأسمالك الخاص أو من خلال الالتزام بقرض.

If you prefer to work as a freelance craftsman, you can obtain a self-employment visa according to Article 21 (5) of the Residence Act - AufenthG. But you also need to provide sufficient funds to finance your projects and obtain the necessary licenses to practice the work.

It should be noted that if the visa applicant is over 45 years old, they must also provide evidence of sufficient pension insurance coverage.

As a result, the freelance work visa provides an opportunity for foreign professionals to achieve their dreams in building their own projects in Germany, and contributing to the country's economic growth.

تأشيرة للبحث العلمي في ألمانيا: فرصة للباحثين العالميين

Germany is a prestigious destination for ambitious global researchers seeking excellence in various research fields. In order to support these research efforts, Germany provides a special visa for scientific research that enables foreign researchers to enter and reside in the country to conduct their research activities.

What are the requirements to obtain this visa?

First, the foreign researcher must obtain a hosting contract or a work contract with a research institute in Germany. This contract serves as evidence of the institute's commitment to provide necessary support for the researcher during his stay in the country.

Secondly, the research institute must commit in writing to cover the researcher's living expenses and travel costs to their home country. This commitment ensures the stability of the researcher and provides the suitable environment for effective and productive research work.

Thanks to this visa, Germany provides global researchers with access to a distinguished and supportive research environment, making it one of the most important global destinations for scientific research.

Visa for learning the language in Germany: the gateway to fully benefit from education

تأشيرة لتعلم اللغة في ألمانيا: البوابة لتحقيق الاستفادة الكاملة من التعليم

Attending German language classes in Germany is a vital step towards acquiring language skills that open doors to many opportunities and cultural experiences. To achieve this goal, a language learning visa may be necessary for those wishing to fully benefit from intensive educational programs.

What are the necessary conditions to obtain a language course visa?

First, you must join an intensive and recognized German language course. Intensive courses consisting of daily German language lessons, lasting for at least 18 hours per week, are the optimal choice for students wishing to learn the language effectively. These courses must be officially recognized by the local authorities.

Secondly, you must ensure the costs of your stay during your studies. This can be demonstrated through a closed bank account or a financial commitment statement, to confirm your ability to cover living expenses during your learning period.

تأشيرة للتدريب الدراسي ذو الصلة بالدراسة في الاتحاد الأوروبي

For students enrolled in universities outside the European Union, there is an opportunity to complete a training period in Germany to improve practical skills related to their specializations. In some cases, this opportunity may require obtaining a special visa, which must be verified on an individual basis.

Visa for professional drivers from third countries

تأشيرة للسائقين المحترفين من البلدان الثالثة

For professional drivers coming from third countries, they have the opportunity to work in Germany even without official recognition, but this requires compliance with some basic conditions:

Firstly, you must hold a driving license from the European Union or the European Economic Area (EEA), including categories C1, C1E, C, CE, D1, D1E, or DE.

Secondly, you must be able to provide evidence of (initial accelerated qualification) in the European Union or the European Economic Area to drive certain vehicles designated for the transportation of goods or passengers.

تأشيرة خاصة للفنانين

Working as an international artist in Germany requires special arrangements, especially if you are coming from a third country. It must be checked whether you meet the required conditions for entry and residence.

If you plan to work as an employee in the culture and entertainment sector for more than 90 days, you must follow the following steps:

تأشيرة لتدريس اللغات في ألمانيا

Opportunity to work as a language teacher in Germany is an exciting experience to live in the country and share your linguistic knowledge in schools. But the regulations for this type of work must be taken into account.

Let's take a look at the basic requirements for obtaining a work visa as a language teacher.

If you wish to teach in schools:

When it comes to teaching in schools, you must obtain the approval of the Federal Employment Agency (BA) to issue your visa. Foreign teachers are not allowed to be employed in less favorable working conditions than their German counterparts, and the salary of teachers in embassy schools is used as a benchmark. In addition, you may also need to have your qualifications recognized by the educational authority in the relevant federal state.

As a language teacher, you can obtain a residence permit for up to five years. However, you are allowed to continue employment as a language teacher in Germany to teach your native language after a break period of only three years.

تأشيرة للرياضيين المحترفين والمدربين في ألمانيا

In the world of professional sports, athletes from third countries are given the opportunity to pursue their sports professionally in Germany by obtaining a residence permit.

To obtain a work visa as an athlete or coach, you must meet the following conditions:

  1. Age: You must be at least 16 years old.
  2. Working in a sports club: You must work in a German sports club or a similar sports institution participating in competitive sports.
  3. Salary: The sports club or institution must pay an annual gross salary of at least 43,800 euros (until 2023).
  4. Skills recognition: The national body responsible for sports, in cooperation with the German Olympic Sports Confederation, must confirm your eligibility as a professional athlete or your competence as a coach.

Organizations for professional esports players in Germany

Professional esports players can continue their professional career in esports in Germany. If you are coming from a third country, you will need a visa.

To obtain a work visa as a professional esports player, you must meet the following requirements:

  1. Age: Must be at least 16 years old.
  2. Working in an e-sports club: You must work in a German e-sports club or a similar electronic institution.
  3. Participation in competitive sports: The institution must participate in competitive electronic sports.
  4. Salary: The club or electronic institution must pay an annual gross salary of at least 43,800 euros (until 2023).
  5. Recognition of professional performance: The national association responsible for esports must confirm the professional performance of esports players and the importance of esports practiced for them.

In this way, professional esports players and athletes from third countries can enjoy working and competing in Germany under appropriate work visas.

And thus, we have briefly covered all types of visas and their requirements.

If you are interested in working in Germany, you can browse the offers on Germany Assist platform, where you will find an offer that suits your needs and is compatible with your dreams and aspirations.

To browse the offers: click here

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